Friday, October 17, 2014

SNOE Body Ritual in Nectarine Ginger Tea

I'm not fond of body lotion. In fact, I'm really very lazy when it comes to body lotion. The only time that I can finish is one that is not greasy and one that smells really great. This is just how I am.

I love the peach color of the lotion and the fact that the lotion was a little more solid and less liquidy. i don't like those liquid kind of lotion. I like it when it glides and is absorbed by the skin. I feel that its actually doing its job.

I love the smell of SNOE Body Ritual in Nectarine Ginger Tea. It smelled more like tea and nectar than ginger. It's really, really nice which was a pleasant surprise since I thought it would be more gingery than anything else.

SNOE is organic which makes it also another must have. SNOE is available via

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* I was sent these products for review. I did not pay for these. However, the free product did not in any way sway my opinion and everything you read here is MY PERSONAL OPINION.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a fan of ginger-flavored food, but I do love the scent. <3


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