Thursday, May 25, 2023




Ang sarap pakinggan.

Parang walang katapusan.


Ikaw at ako. 

Walang kahalo. 


Ang sarap ipaglaban.

Parang walang kayang humadlang. 


Natapos tayo. 

Ang sakit pala sa pakiramdam.

Akala ko wala tayong katapusan

Bakit mo tinuldukan?


Wala ng tayo.

Hindi mo ko pinaglaban.

Ikaw pala ang hahadlang. 


Matapos tayo. 

Wala ng tayo.

Babangon ako.

Magmamahal muli ako 

Pero sayo 


Wala ng magmamahal na tulad ko.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Prayers for my Family's Future

I remember praying for Mr. Right. I remember someone telling me that I needed to be specific when I prayed so that God would know what I want. Since I have been floating a bit here and there for the last two weeks and I've said more than twice that I don't know why I can't seem to get things in order, I realized that I need to tell God exactly what I need so that he knows precisely how to help me. 


I want to learn how to save money, invest it, and handle the blessings coming our way in the best way possible. 

I want a high-paying, stable work-from-home job that will pay me monthly for years to come. I want it to have 15 VLs and 13th-month pay. I want this job to utilize my skills and at the same time, value my contributions. I want this job to have enough flexibility so that I can still take care of my son at night should he need me. 

I want more paid content creator projects. I want to be paid what I'm truly worth. I realize that people who started after I did get paid more for doing the same things that I do simply because I didn't know the right value of my content creation. 

I want to be able to save more than enough money so that we can pay for B and K's school, have at least 100k set aside in their respective banks, have 500k in our emergency fund, and another 1M in our joint account. 

I want to be able to purchase a house and pay 50%  right off the bat so that the monthly won't be as bad and it can be paid off in 10 years. I don't want a big house. I want something cozy, preferably a bungalow with a small garden, 2 car garage, a big kitchen, spacious rooms, a really nice bathroom, and a balcony where we can sit and relax from time to time. 

I want to be able to purchase an SUV so that we can all fit comfortably when we travel. 

I want to be able to have twice a year family vacations that will create great memories for my kids. I want more good family moments with my husband and kids, something that I didn't have when I was growing up. 

I want us to be financially stable. I'm not aiming for rich but stable enough that we can provide for the needs of everyone in our family be it for school, vacations, things we'd need, and God forbid, medical. 


I pray that my teenage son will be strong enough to face the world. I pray that he will not be easily swayed by people who do not have his best interest at heart. I pray that when he commits a mistake, he learns from it, and then picks himself up again. 

I pray that through this whole journey from teenage years to being an adult, B will never forget that he has his Dad and me no matter what.  

I pray that my toddler will never stop learning and having a thirst for new things. I pray that he will be curious but at the same time, grow up with respect for others, and kindness in his heart. 

I pray that my husband will always remember that his commitment is to God first, me second, and our family third. I pray that he will always be at my side when we face trials so that we can surpass anything. Lastly, I pray that he will never be tempted to cheat on our marriage. 

Most of all, I pray for protection for my family and me from any kind of harm, be it accidental, medical, or people who don't have good intentions for us. 


I am so thankful for the life that I have right now. I have a husband who loves me, a teenager who is responsible, and a toddler with a zest for life. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and opportunities coming in left and right. 

I know that the financial hardships we are facing are on us. We didn't know how to handle it and so, we ended up spending too much. 

Now that I have truly learned my lesson, I'll be more mindful of how I handle things. Hopefully, this super-specific prayer will help keep things on track. 

This I pray in Jesus' name. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Rex Education Leads Parents Webinars on Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education (ECE) signifies a crucial window of opportunity for children's cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development. It covers the period when children rely highly on those around them and their surroundings. As they learn, discover, and explore the world, they need guidance from parents and educators who are well-equipped in early childhood development interventions or programs. 

To reinforce this, Rex Education launched its latest brand, Little Explorers. This is part of REX's initiative to draw attention to and increase understanding of the value of ECE. This project also gives educational institutions, parents, and learning partners a platform to hold insightful conversations and benefit from learning solutions suitable for early or young learners. 

As part of this endeavor, REX is leading a webinar series titled "Nurturing Our Little Explorers: Understanding the Essential Domains in Early Childhood Education." This series is an interactive virtual panel discussion for parents and learning companions at home to address early childhood care challenges. The series is divided into five –episodes, each with three parts: an introduction, a lecture, and a panel discussion with parents. Every episode features child experts and influencer parents who will lead the conversation on different ECE-related topics.

The webinar's first episode focuses on ECE's fundamentals and significance. As the title suggests, parents should not miss this window. The topics covered include the 0–4-year-old brain development window and the difference between early childhood care and development (ECCD) and early childhood education (ECE). The discussion also highlights how all six developmental domains of early childhood interconnect for a child's holistic development. 

The second episode, "Let's Get Moving and Thinking," delves deeper into a child's physical, motor, cognitive, and intellectual development. The talk focuses on the two domains, physical well-being, and intellectual development, how they are developed and enhanced at different phases, and how they are connected. Furthermore, the third installment of the series, "Say it, Feel it," focuses on a child's socio-emotional and language development. This segment tackles children's abilities to know themselves and the use of language to express and understand their feelings and relate with others.

The fourth episode emphasizes creativity and character development. A child must be nourished from an early age to think creatively, behave well, and be a person of high morals, and how the people around them are instrumental in guiding and helping them nurture their creativity and character.

The fifth and final episode, "Nurture Our Little Explorers!" summarizes everything discussed in the first four sessions. This episode also serves as a workshop for parents and learning partners on activities they can do at home to practice what they have learned.

Guiding children at an early age is not easy, yet its rewards are priceless. Supporting ECE programs is championing the future of children as successful lifelong learners. Through this webinar series, broadcasted and accessible on REX's YouTube channel at, REX embraces ECE and supports parents and learning partners as they fully navigate ECE.

The Little Explorers is a testament to REX's commitment to early childhood education.  The moment children learn to explore the world, the adventure of their lifelong learning begins. And every step of the journey, Rex Education offers quality learning solutions and materials.  To know more about Little Explorers and other REX solutions and services, visit  

5 Reasons Why Moms Should Buy the ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED

As a mom, I know how important it is to have a laptop that can keep up with my busy lifestyle. I need a laptop that is powerful enough to handle my work, but also portable enough to take with me on the go. I also need a laptop that has a long battery life, so I don't have to worry about it running out of juice in the middle of the day.

With the recent launch of ASUS Incredibly Slim laptops, one caught my eye which is the ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED. 

It's the perfect laptop for moms who are always on the go. It's thin and light, so it's easy to carry around with me. It has a long battery life, so I can use it all day without having to worry about it running out of juice. And it's powerful enough to handle anything I throw at it, from work to entertainment.

Here are five reasons why moms should buy the ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED:

  1. It's thin and light. The ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED is only 0.5 inches thick and weighs just 2.8 pounds. That makes it incredibly portable, so you can easily take it with you wherever you go.
  2. It has a long battery life. The ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED has a battery life of up to 10 hours. That means you can use it all day without having to worry about it running out of juice.
  3. It's powerful. The ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED is powered by an Intel Core i7 processor and 16GB of RAM. That means it can handle anything you throw at it, from work to entertainment.
  4. It has a stunning OLED display. The ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED has a 13.3-inch OLED display with a resolution of 3.5K (3456 x 2160). The OLED display offers incredible contrast and color, so you'll enjoy watching movies, editing photos, or working on projects.
  5. It's durable. The ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED is made with a durable aluminum alloy chassis. That means it can withstand everyday wear and tear, so you don't have to worry about it breaking if you drop it.

Here are some additional benefits of the ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED that moms will love:

  • It has a fingerprint reader for easy and secure login.
  • It has a backlit keyboard for easy typing in low-light conditions.
  • It has a webcam with a privacy shutter for added security.
  • It has a variety of ports, including USB-C, USB-A, and HDMI, so you can connect it to a variety of devices.
  • It comes with a one-year warranty, so you can be sure that it's protected.

If you're looking for a powerful, portable, and stylish laptop that is perfect for moms, the ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED is the perfect choice for you. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Five Ways to Save Money for Moms

As a mom, I know that money can be tight. There are always bills to pay, groceries to buy, and activities to pay for. It can be hard to make ends meet, let alone save for the future. But don't worry, you're not alone. Millions of moms around the world are struggling with their finances.

The good news is that there are a few things you can do to improve your financial situation. Here are five financial literacy hacks that can make a big difference. 

1. Track your spending. The first step to getting your finances under control is to know where your money is going. Track your spending for a month or two and see where you can cut back. You may be surprised at how much money you're spending on unnecessary things.

2. Create a budget. Once you know where your money is going, you can create a budget to help you stay on track. A budget is simply a plan for how you're going to spend your money. It doesn't have to be complicated. Just list your income and expenses, and then make sure you're not spending more than you earn.

3. Set financial goals. Once you have a budget, you can start setting financial goals. What do you want to save for? A down payment on a house? A new car? Retirement? Once you know what you're saving for, it will be easier to stay motivated.

4. Automate your savings. One of the best ways to save money is to automate your savings. This means setting up a system where a certain amount of money is automatically transferred from your checking account to your savings account each month. This way, you'll never even see the money and you won't be tempted to spend it.

5. Invest your money. Once you have a solid emergency fund, you can start investing your money. Investing is a great way to grow your money over time. There are many different ways to invest, so do some research and find an option that's right for you.

Following these financial literacy hacks can help you improve your financial situation and reach your goals. 

Remember, you are not alone. There are millions of moms around the world who are struggling with their finances. With some effort, you can improve your financial situation and reach your goals.

I'm doing it and if I can, so can you! 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

5 Reasons Why Content Creators Should Learn to Use Proper Grammar and Use the Right Words

In today's digital age, content creators are more important than ever. With the rise of social media and online platforms, anyone can create and share content with the world. This has led to a flood of content, making it more difficult than ever for creators to stand out from the crowd.

One way that content creators can improve their chances of success is by learning to use proper grammar and use the right words. This may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in the overall quality of your content.

Here are five reasons why content creators should learn to use proper grammar and use the right words:

  1. It makes your content more professional. When you use proper grammar and use the right words, your content comes across as more professional and polished. This is especially important if you are trying to build a brand or establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  2. It makes your content easier to read and understand. Good grammar and clear writing make your content easier for people to read and understand. This is important for both your audience and for search engines, which rank content based on how easy it is to read.
  3. It helps you connect with your audience. When you use language that is clear and concise, you are more likely to connect with your audience on an emotional level. This can lead to increased engagement and loyalty.
  4. It builds trust. When you use proper grammar and use the right words, you come across as more credible and trustworthy. This is important for building relationships with your audience and for establishing yourself as an authority in your field.
  5. It can help you get more views. Studies have shown that content that is well-written and grammatically correct is more likely to be shared and viewed. This is because people are more likely to engage with content that is easy to read and understand.

If you are a content creator, take some time to learn about proper grammar and usage. It may seem like a daunting task, but it is worth it in the long run. By improving your writing skills, you can make your content more professional, easier to read, and more engaging. This will help you connect with your audience, build trust, and get more views.

Here are some additional tips for content creators who want to improve their writing skills:

  • Read widely and often. The more you read, the more you will be exposed to different writing styles and techniques. This is very effective so make sure to read at least one book a month. 
  • Pay attention to the grammar and usage of the authors you admire. What do they do well? What could they improve? As they say, imitation is the best form of flattery so imitate what they do best initially and then tweak the style to make it your own. 
  • Get feedback from others. Ask friends, family, or colleagues to read your work and give you their honest feedback. If none of your friends ever correct you, then you have no real friends. People who truly care about you will want you to improve and be better. 
  • Take a writing class or workshop. This can be a great way to learn new skills and improve your writing in a structured environment. As they say, learning never stops and if you think you have nothing new to learn, then you're dead in the water. 

With a little effort, you can improve your writing skills and create content that is both informative and engaging. When all else fails, use Grammarly, Quillbot, and even Google Bard. 

The AIs are here for a reason. Use it. 

5 Ways to Declutter Sentimental Items

One of the hardest things to declutter is anything that has sentimental value. I should know. I've been trying to minimize the amount of clutter that I have that holds sentimental value to my family and me.

IT IS HARD. However, it is not impossible. So here are 5 decluttering tips for sentimental items. 

Create a memory box: If you find it difficult to part with certain sentimental items, consider creating a memory box. Select a small, designated box where you can keep a limited number of items that hold the most meaning to you. This allows you to preserve the memories without letting them overwhelm your living space.

Take photos or create digital copies: Sometimes the sentimental value of an item lies in the memories it represents rather than the physical object itself. In such cases, consider taking photographs or scanning important documents and mementos. By creating digital copies, you can reduce clutter while still retaining the memories associated with those items.

Create a "One Item Per Memory" rule: Instead of keeping multiple items that represent the same memory, challenge yourself to choose only one item to represent each significant memory. This forces you to prioritize and select the most meaningful item while reducing clutter.

Limit the sentimental space: Designate a specific area or container for sentimental items, such as a single shelf, a memory box, or a small storage bin. Allow yourself to keep sentimental items within that space and commit to not exceeding its capacity. When the space is full, you'll need to make thoughtful choices about what stays and what goes.  

Write a memory journal: If you find it challenging to part with physical items, consider writing about the memories associated with them in a dedicated journal. Describe the significance, emotions, and details of each memory. By capturing the essence of the sentimental items in writing, you can let go of the physical objects while preserving the memories.

Letting go is hard, especially when it involves things that normally have more meaning for us but sometimes, we have to let go so we can make room for something new, something better, and something that will make us happier. 

It doesn't mean that we forget about them. It just means that there's a better way to honor them. 

Mother's Day 2023

It's been 3 years since I was able to spend Mother's Day with my Mom so I'm really happy that this year, I was able to spend Mother's Day with my Mom again. 

My day started with flowers from my husband which brought a smile to my face. 

The next thing that happened, not so much. My husband decided to put us under the blistering heat. For some reason, my husband had the fantastic idea of bringing our youngest out to feed the cows at nearby Villar Farm. 

 As much as I loved that Khali was super excited about feeding the cows, I wish we did this in the afternoon. The only good part was that there were no other people which was understandable because it was about 40 degrees. 

Thankfully, after 15 minutes, my husband decided to get us out of the blistering heat. We ended up at Tablo because the place was still empty. We got there 10 minutes before it opened and we were able to have a good brunch. 

Much to my surprise, they gave me a gift. It was a soy candle with a lemon scent. It's perfect for our home because it gives off a clean scent. Thank you, Tablo!

We went home after and rested a little then I started cooking our dinner at my Mom's house. I cooked some lasagna and made gimbap. Shobe also cooked for Mother's Day! 

I think it made more sense to have home-cooked meals than to fight it out in a crowded restaurant. This way, you don't spend too much but you get to enjoy the company of your family in a low-key manner just how I like it. 

Shobe also got me a bouquet. First time to receive sunflower. 

 I'm just so happy that I got to spend time with my Mom and still have my own family with me. It's these little moments that make things worth all the stress and hardship of adulting and being a Mom.

This is the photo gallery that B made for me. I LOVE IT!

I'm also thankful to the brands who remembered me. Thank you Food Panda, Okada, and my P&G family. 

Being a Mom is not easy. I think that's the understatement of the year. However, it is also the most fulfilling role a person can ever have and I am blessed to be one two times over. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Dream It, Build It with the LEGO® Group this LazMall Super Brand Day

Exciting activities and exclusive bundles await LEGO® collectors and brick builders on May 18 as the LEGO Group hosts its biggest sale event this year – its third LazMall Super Brand Day!

This year’s concept stems from their vision in which builders of all ages can freely express their limitless creativity. The brand firmly believes that if one can dream it, then one can build it! With numerous LEGO sets, anyone can unlock the endless possibilities of what makes a dream car their dream car – by dreaming bigger and building better.

As part of its campaign, the LEGO Group is teaming up with the Universal Group to include themes and LEGO sets from the iconic Fast & Furious movie franchise.

The collaboration features a series of unique Fast & Furious-themed activations, including free same-day delivery with the 'Fast & Furious X-Perience' exclusive LEGO Fast & Furious starter kits, and flash sales up to 60% off! By placing a 60% down payment during the pre-sale event from May 11 to 17, you can secure exclusive prices on purchases. In addition to this, they can also participate in engaging activities both on-ground and online:


Parents of young builders could learn how to use bricks to help their children develop life-long skills at an exclusive workshop hosted by a play expert. The two-hour coaching session is designed to help parents know how to incorporate play into their daily routines while their children enjoy a fun-building session facilitated by Dr. Angel Belle Dy, an early childhood development advocate from Bahay Turo – an online tutoring platform.

The workshop is packed with more surprises as customers can expect storewide discounts and gifts with purchases from the LEGO Group.


Alongside the on-ground activations, a social media contest will run until May 18, 2023. LEGO® brick enthusiasts of all ages will be challenged to create their ideal LEGO vehicle using LEGO bricks from any playset. The most creative builds will win LEGO sets up to SRP 7,197 from the Fast & Furious franchise! 

For the full mechanics, visit Ban Kee Brick’s official Facebook and Instagram pages. Winners will be announced on June 15, 2023.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Give the Gift of Health, Love, and Delicious Food with Salmon HQ Premium Salmon Cake

Hey there, fellow moms! Let's take a moment to talk about something that's been on my mind lately—the importance of prioritizing our health and treating ourselves to some well-deserved indulgence. As moms, we dedicate so much of our time and energy to taking care of our families, but it's equally vital that we care for ourselves. And what better way to do that than by enjoying the incredible benefits of Salmon HQ's Premium Salmon Cake?

Now, let's dive into why salmon is such a superstar when it comes to our well-being. First and foremost, salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining a healthy heart and brain. These fatty acids also offer anti-inflammatory properties and support overall wellness. By including salmon in our diet, we can boost our immune system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

What sets Salmon HQ apart is its commitment to using fresh ingredients. Freshness matters, ladies! It ensures that we get the maximum nutritional benefits from the salmon. And let me tell you, biting into a Salmon HQ Premium Salmon Cake is like savoring a piece of culinary heaven. With each bite, you can taste the love and care put into creating this delicious masterpiece.

But why does it matter that it's delicious, you ask? Well, moms, let me tell you a little secret: we deserve to enjoy the best treats, not just on Mother's Day but every single day. Indulging in something that satisfies our taste buds and brings us joy is essential for our overall well-being. It's a reminder to take a moment for ourselves, savor the little pleasures in life, and appreciate the incredible job we're doing as moms.

So, here's my suggestion: gift yourself or a fellow mom the Salmon HQ Premium Salmon Cake. Treat yourself to a moment of pure bliss and nourishment. It's not just a cake; it's a symbol of self-care, love, and appreciation. Let's celebrate our health and the joy of delicious food that makes us feel fantastic.

Remember, dear moms, taking care of ourselves is not a luxury; it's a necessity. Let's make choices that empower our well-being, and what better way to start than with Salmon HQ's Premium Salmon Cake? So, go ahead, savor each bite, and relish in the gift of health, love, and delicious food. You deserve it! 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Keeping Kids Safe: A Parent's Guide to Injury Care

It’s natural for young children to approach their environment with a sense of curiosity. After all, they’re still learning a lot of things about themselves and the world around them. They’re also eager to see how they can interact with other people, animals, and things. Unfortunately, young kids have also yet to understand how and why some activities and items are not completely safe for them. As such, it’s not unusual for children to acquire minor injuries as they engage with their surroundings. 

Perhaps your child is shaping up to be a passionate explorer keen on discovering their world with a sense of boldness. If so, then it’s likely that some of these discoveries also came at the cost of a few cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Aside from guiding your child and helping them develop a sense of self-preservation, you can also support your child’s learning journey by being prepared to administer first aid. 

Putting Together a First Aid Kit

If you have an updated first aid kit at home, then you have easy access to most of the tools you need to respond to everyday injuries and illnesses. If you don’t have one or if your kit is now outdated, you can easily order the items you need from an online drugstore near your address. Aside from getting tools and supplies like thermometers and bandages of different sizes, you should also stock up on over-the-counter medications for common illnesses. Also, be sure to check the meds that you currently have if they’re still well within their expiration dates.

Ideally, your first aid kit should be paired with a handbook on how to apply first aid to patients of all ages. This reference will help you make informed decisions, especially if you have a tendency to panic a little when faced with injured or sick loved ones. 

Caring for Common and Minor Injuries

There are many types of injuries that children may encounter. These include cuts and scrapes, sprains and strains, bloody noses, and head injuries. Let’s take a look at how to take care of each.

Cuts and Scrapes

Shallow cuts and short scrapes are common childhood injuries. What you can do is flush the wound with soap and water to clean it and then apply an antibiotic ointment on it to prevent infection. You can opt to apply a bandage on the wound if it’s on a spot that tends to be exposed to contaminants or materials that can cause chafing and irritation. 

Sprains and Strains

A sprain refers to an injury to the ligament surrounding a joint, while a strain refers to an injury to muscles or tendons. These injuries are different from each other, but they tend to manifest the same similarly. These include symptoms like tenderness, weakness, cramping or spasms, swelling or bruising, and pain in the affected area.

Remember the acronym RICE when dealing with this type of injury: rest, ice, compress, and elevate. Rest the affected body part. Ice the area immediately and keep it there for about 20 minutes. Compression in the form of an elastic bandage should be applied to the area. Elevating the affected part above the level of the patient’s heart is the final step of this process.  


A bloody nose can happen due to many reasons, such as dryness, scratching, seasonal changes, and injuries. There are plenty of myths that surround this particular injury, but the best thing to do when your child gets a nosebleed would be to have them sit down and lean forward. This way, the blood will not go down their throat and cause an upset stomach or choking. Next, have your child gently blow their nose to remove blood clots and then slowly pinch the nose to apply pressure on the injury. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes at a time while your child breathes through the mouth. The bleeding should stop in about 30 minutes. If not, then it’s recommended to seek medical advice. 

Head Injuries

Children tend to bump their heads now and then. This can cause minor injuries such as bumps, bruises, or shallow cuts. That said, it’s also possible for a head injury to have serious damage such as internal bleeding, concussions, or broken skull bones.

Minor injuries, which make up the majority of head injuries, can be addressed with a bit of rest, applying ice on the affected area, and further observation. Meanwhile, if a child with a head injury loses consciousness, complains of a headache that does not go away, experiences nausea or vomiting, or exhibits weakness, slurred speech, and trouble walking, among other things, you should immediately seek medical intervention. 

Knowing When to Ask for Professional Help

There are times when a child will need beyond first aid, and it’s important for you to be aware when such a situation arises. If a cut or scrape is deep enough to show fat, muscle, or bone or if it doesn’t stop bleeding after applying pressure on it for 5 minutes, then you should immediately go to the ER with your child. If you suspect that a sprain or strain is actually a broken bone, this also warrants a trip to a medical center. You can prepare for these scenarios, in part, by taking note of the number of your child’s pediatrician and the contact details of the medical providers in your area. 

Getting hurt is a natural part of the learning process for children, and a minor injury is a situation that parents should anticipate. With the right tools and training, you can assist your child through their painful everyday learning experiences and help them get back up stronger, ready for bigger adventures. 

Monday, May 8, 2023

Review of Dazzle Me Lippies

Everyone who knows me knows that I love lipstick. I actually even have a hashtag #lipsticklovebyK showcasing the different lippies that I have tried and reviewed over the years.  There's just something about lippies that I fell in love with.

Imagine my excitement when I received these in the mail. 

The packaging alone dazzled me. It was on point with the branding which I really, really liked. 

I love personalized notes and this was one was one of the sweetest. 

TADA! Does that not make you feel giddy? I know that I gave a shriek of joy when I saw these. They're so pretty and dazzling.  

Here are the shades in order. Heartbeat, Encounter, Misty. Poppy, Rose Manor, and Dessert Sunset.  

In the Dazzle Me Pink Misty Matte Lip Cream series, I like Misty the most then Encounter next. If I'm going for the no-makeup look, it will be Heartbeat. 

The Dazzle Me Orange Misty Matte Lip Cream series came in Preppy Peach and Redtropolitan. I love the last one more. I'm really more of pink and red than orange hues. 

Initial feedback: There's a slight scent which I love. It doesn't bother me. It's also easy to put on, it feels matte but not dry like cement. This is where the misty part comes in because it's cream but again, it doesn't feel mushy or oily but it also doesn't feel like you have dry cement on your face. 

Wearability. It actually stayed on my lips for more than 8 hours, even when I ate and drank. I didn't need to retouch or put on more. 

Ease of taking off: Surprisingly, it was pretty easy to take off. Perhaps I used the right tools too? I don't know. I didn't struggle which was a good thing because it can be a hassle when you have to take off your lipstick and it takes more than 5 minutes to do so.

These are the Dazzle Me gloss lippies. I love the last shade the most. Again, pink kind of girl here haha. They're also not sticky which I am so happy about. 

This is me wearing Dessert Sunset. It is beautiful but I feel like the color made me look a bit old. Remember that not all shades will look good on a person because of our skin tone. 

For me, this is the best one in the Batch. Dazzle Me in Misty shade is a perfect dupe for Fenty's Stunna. Imagine having the same shade but for a fraction of the cost. I love it! 

You can reach them through their Dazzle Me IG Page and buy from Watsons, Robinson's, and Shopee

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Don’t Let the Flu Stop You from Life’s Adventures

As a mom, I understand the importance of being present for my children's milestones and adventures. Whether it's attending a birthday party or going on a family vacation, I don't want anything to stop us from making unforgettable memories. That's why I always make sure to safeguard our health by getting an annual flu shot.

The flu is not just a simple cold. It can be a severe illness that can lead to complications, hospitalizations, and even death, especially for high-risk people. According to studies, up to 5 million people fall severely ill because of the flu, and every year, up to 650,000 people are at risk of dying globally because of influenza-associated respiratory diseases. As a mom, I cannot afford to take that risk with my family's health.

Getting an annual flu shot is essential in protecting ourselves from the flu virus. The vaccine helps our immune system provide optimal protection against the flu, enabling us to live our lives to the fullest. This is particularly important for children as young as six months and older adults who are at higher risk of developing complications from the flu.

I was able to ask a question during the Zoom event we had. 

Me: The flu has always been around, why is getting a vaccine now costlier?

Dr. Jing: We’re not just emphasizing getting the flu but the other risks as well like those people around us who are more vulnerable. Look at the totality of it, getting the flu which might result in hospitalization and other non-medical results. My advice is to look at the protection of ourselves and other people, especially your loved ones. Look at the bigger picture of being vaccinated. 

It's important to note that flu vaccine protection declines over time due to the constant changing of the flu virus strain. This is why it's crucial to get a flu shot every year, as the vaccine is annually reviewed and produced to ensure optimal protection against the current flu virus.

In the Philippines, influenza viruses circulate year-round, with increased activity seen from June to November. That's why it's best to get vaccinated as early as you can before the flu season starts. By doing so, you can enjoy an #Unstoppable2023 by safeguarding your health from the flu and other infectious diseases. Don't let the flu stop you from being present for the things that matter most to you and your family. Get your flu shot today and have a great year ahead! 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Review of Primo Skin Hydro Glow Skincare Line

Primo Skin is a skincare brand that hails from Cebu City. 


 They are a small, local business and they sent me these for review. As always, all opinions are my own. 


This is the Primo Skin Hydro Glow Facial Wash. This has Niacinamide which is good for hydrating and brightening and believe you me, IT WORKS! 

I wash my face with this and it's creamy and foamy. When you wash it off, you can actually feel your skin being cleansed and rid of impurities. Parang ang linis linis ng mukha mo.


Initially, I didn't like the Primo Skin Hydro Glow Toner coz I had a little bit of peeling on my face until my Mom explained to me that this was actually good because it meant that it was working. It was getting rid of my old skin. After a few days, grabe, Korean glass skin! I was glowing and looking younger.


I loved the Primo Skin Hydro Glow moisturizer because it was easily absorbed. No downtime at all. I placed it on my skin and it is just absorbed immediately. My skin feels more supple. 


I love the Primo Skin Hydro Glow sunscreen for the same reason. It is just easily absorbed and there is no white coat. I don't look like a geisha. 


As for the Primo Skin Hydro Glow body lotion, it has been years since I've liked a lotion. The last one was from Bath and Body Works Eucalyptus but since it's hard to find, I lost interest. 

This Primi Skin Hydro Glow Body Lotion changed things for me. After more than 10 years of not putting body lotion, I have started doing it after taking a bath. The formula of this is just right. Absorbent. Effective. Moisturizing. 

I'm definitely recommending this to family, friends, and readers. Here's the link to their IG for those who want to order.