The older men who were around started shaking their heads in pity for the poor boy who did not know better. The female population of course went ballistic and started sprouting out all the words in machine gun format. The poor boy didn't understand what was happening.
After, we tried explaining to him but I think the shock of being asked this question kind of put me on firing mode and he didn't really get the answer he need. So, here I am, at 1am on a Monday writing about why girls just become a better and hotter version of themselves after getting dumped.
So Glenn, I hope this sheds light for you.
Girls don't immediately get better after getting dumped. We fell in love and when the person we love leaves, we don't just transform into an upgraded version of us.
We fall apart. Yes, we fall apart. We're human. We're girls. We're emotional and the guy that we thought would never leave us, the guy who PROMISED that they would never leave, LEFT. So yes, we fall apart.
We cry our hearts out, we sob ourselves to sleep, we weep at random moments. We become so ugly and so broken that we don't even recognize ourselves in the mirror. We question our self worth, our face, our body, every conversation, every move, every scene that transpired between you and me. We examine everything and try to find out where we went wrong.
Einstein would be proud of how thorough we are in our analysis. Unfortunately, we are never thorough enough and there really is no way that we can pinpoint and say, "this is where things went wrong."
Now, you'd probably say "how come we never see that phase?" Of course you wouldn't. You left remember? You left us. You bailed out and gave up just like that.
After breaking down and becoming this pathetic heap lying on the floor, our friends or family would eventually find us. They'd try to help and listen, be there for us, and console us but sooner or later, they'd kick us out of the rut you pushed us into and make us realize that we need to help ourselves.
Now, since you're no longer there, we find ourselves with a lot of free time and nothing to do. Now, what does a girl who have free time on her hands do? I think you know.
We keep ourselves busy. We clean the house, we fix things, we fix ourselves, we work out, we do this and we do that. We will do almost anything just to keep ourselves busy because to have free time would mean endless amount of thinking of the ex and that, that is just not acceptable.
When we have free time, we think and girls are very famous for over thinking. To avoid that, we do things that we weren't able to because we were either busy taking care of you or just being with you. Now we can do things we want to which made you go "ewww" or "oh really? We gotta do that?"
Working out is also one of the best ways to keep yourself not thinking and so, when women discover this, they resort to working out which leads to becoming hotter after a break up. Also, when we realize that we are actually losing weight and looking better, why would we stop?
So there ... that's the mystery of why girls become better and hotter after being dumped. It's not a "plan" that we devise. It's just how girls cope. It' just because we need to keep busy because if we don't ... we will go crazy because we are hurting so much from being left alone by the one person we believed would never leave us.
Maybe, if you had stuck around when I was at my worst, you''d get to have me when I'm finally at my best. You see, no one is perfect. Fairy tales aren't true. Relationships go through hell, but they also go to heaven. It's why it is a commitment. You commit to it, through heaven and hell. Serendipity may help but all it can do is to give you signs. It's still your actions that will determine who gets in your life and who leaves.
The fruit isn't just gonna fall into your mouth. You gotta stand, walk up to it, and pluck it from the tree before it goes to waste or someone else gets to it.