Friday, July 24, 2015

this is love

I have always been one of those girls who would send out quotable quotes to someone I was in a relationship with. When I see something that I think reflects how I feel, I would send a quote or write about it.

Never have I gotten one sent to me until today. When I opened my Viber, this was what greeted me.

I was so amazed. First, I don't even know where you got this from. Second, to feel your appreciation for the way that I love you ... the fact that you realized that this is how I love you is just one of the best feelings in the world.

I'm really happy that you sent me this. I'm glad that you know that I would never hinder you from growing as a person, as a man, and becoming what you are meant to be. I won't cling to you, to do so would be to keep you rooted and like what I always say, you are meant to fly high and soar to the skies to become just like the phoenix on your back ... rising from the ashes ready to become something magnificent.

Soon you will have a new adventure and an entirely new world, one where I will have a small part of. I'm excited for you. I'm excited to have a glimpse of your new world. Though I may not have a big part in it, the fact that I will still have a small one is enough for me now.

I will just be here in my little corner of the world; churning out letters and poetry to share with the world, slowly making a name for myself and wonderfully becoming the woman that I am meant to be. It has taken both of us some time to reach the path we are meant to take but I'm glad that now that we both finally have, we have each other to cheer on the other.

I will be your biggest cheerleader. I will be your most avid supporter. I will be the one person who will smack you in the head should you get out of hand. I will be your inspiration. I will constantly push you up when you're down. I will be there for you. Most importantly, I will just be here waiting for you.

So fly free my Bear and soar high ... I know that I can trust you to come back to me, sit down once again over a cup of coffee, and tell me about all your adventures. Till then ...

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Hi! Let's all try to add more positivity in this world and adhere to the saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, keep silent."

Showering you with unicorn poop so you'd always stay magical! Heart heart!