Everyone longs to have a lifetime partner. Someone they can count on, someone they can rely on, someone to help them push forward with life and pursue their dreams. Sadly, very few actually get to meet this kind of person.
If you're thinking that it has to be romantic, you're wrong. A lifetime partner or "kaakbay" is someone who will cheer you on, reign you in when needed, tell you you're doing great when you are, remind you to be more humble should your feet get off the ground. A lifetime partner is someone who grounds you but at the same time lifts you up to the skies.
A lifetime partner can be a significant other, a best friend, your Mom, coach, child, sibling, or even a company. After all, a lifetime partner has to be someone that is there for you through thick or thin.
I'm lucky that I have more than one lifetime partner. I have more than one person who continues to cheer me on, who stands by me through thick and thin, who has my back no matter what. I have more than one person who sees the beauty in me and the ugliness inside but still chooses to love me anyway.
There is acceptance. There is growth. There is support. There is love.
I know that I can count on them no matter what. For everything else, in times of trouble and financial aid, there is Sun Life.
I used to not believe in insurance and mutual funds. I didn't understand what it was about and why it mattered. Now that I am older and have a budding teenager, I realized that I should have gotten one when I was younger.
The good thing with Sun Life though is that it's never too late. I'm 38 and I just got my first policy. My policy may be small but it's much better than having nothing at all. Now, I feel a bit more at ease should an emergency happen.
This is what having a "kaakbay" means. It's knowing that in case the inevitable happens, there will be someone who will take care of things for you.
This is what the celebrities who shared their stories during the media launch of the Kaakbay Stories also had to say about their own Kaakbay.
Through the stories of lifetime partnerships shared by Piolo, inigo, Enchong. Matteo, and Charo, Sun Life hopes to encourage Filipinos to find that partner who will help them shine to their full potential. "Their stories exemplify the kind of partner Sun Life aims to be for every Filipino pursuing his financial journey," Sun Life Chief Marketing Officer Mylene Lopa said. ”We are committed to helping them make life brighter."
I am new to sunlife ma'am.. 1 month pa lang.. And I made the right decision.. Thanks to sun life..