Saturday, July 5, 2014

Vikings 4th of July Celebration

If you think you knew everything that Vikings has to offer, think again. For the month of July, every weekend, Vikings has something new to offer and we were lucky enough to have been the first to try it.

The American Independence Day menu will definitely leave you wanting and coming back the next weekend. 

The Boston Style Clam Chowder was defiitely something worth a 3rd cup. Yes, a 3rd cup because I had two and it still made me want more. It was creamy and it was filled with everything a clam chowder should have.

Since it was a sit down lunch that we had, the chef actually plated our meal and it came out looking like this.

My personal favorites were the Salmon, the taco, the hawaiian chicken and the New Orleans Seafood Gumbo.

Panwheel Smoked Salmon
New Orleans Seafood Gumbo
Hawaiian Barbecue
We were also served three different kinds of pie and I can honestly say that I fell in love with the Key Lime Pie.

Go ahead and try this out for the month of July. It's every weekend and you definitely can't go wrong with it.

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Hi! Let's all try to add more positivity in this world and adhere to the saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, keep silent."

Showering you with unicorn poop so you'd always stay magical! Heart heart!