Two weeks ago, I was a guest at The VAD Trip Show. This is a show that aims to help VAs in the Philippines to become more skilled and find out different resources to hone their craft. They also provide options to other freelancers which I think is a great thing.
They asked me to be a guest and I was really honored. Though one of the host is a dear friend of mine, I know that she did not invite me as a guest just because I'm her friend.
I had to laugh when I saw this posted. It was so funny because a lot of people tend to look at my life and they think "oh it's so easy! I want to be a blogger / vlogger too!"
Guess what? It's not easy.
Anyway, since I was going to be on live stream, I thought that I needed to look a little bit better than my normal so I put a bit of make up on. After all, I wasn't just representing my site but also my work, BeLive.
This was me a few minutes before we actually went on air. After this photo was taken, I had a really quick dinner because I realized that I haven't had anything to eat at this time. Thankfully Gather serves dinner even at 9pm and they had fast internet which was perfect for live streaming.
And this was us LIVE.
A few things that I wanted to highlight during this talk are the following:
1. Blogging can be a job but ONLY if you have the passion for it. If you get into blogging because of the "swag" and "free trips" then you are in the wrong field. Blogging is a lot of work. You need to be a photographer, videographer, writer, copywriter, editor, and sometimes your own model to produce a decent blog post.
2. When you are blogging for events and brand launches, there are certain parameters that you need to meet. You can't just go, eat, and pose for photos then forget about it.
3. Find your niche. Niche writing may have a smaller community but it definitely has the strongest as well. I personally don't have a niche because I started way back but my strongest has always been food and life/relationship.
4. When you want this to become a source of income, you need to constantly update yourself and upgrade your skills. Looking back at my old posts, I can definitely see a change in how I write, how I post, and even my photos.
This means you are constantly evolving and that's a good thing.
5. Ignore the bashers and haters. Always remember that you cannot please everybody and that yes, there is always someone better, prettier, skinnnier and what not BUT also remember that THERE IS ONLY ONE YOU and you are amazing.
Here's the link to the video. I hope you guys can watch it. :)
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Hi! Let's all try to add more positivity in this world and adhere to the saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, keep silent."
Showering you with unicorn poop so you'd always stay magical! Heart heart!