Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Toast Box

I went to Alabang Town Center last week with my family. I actually just really wanted to take B out but ended up bringing along my entire family. It was one of those days I guess.

We ended up having merienda at Toast Box. I chose the place because I have always been curious about it. I loved the interior and wanted to find out what it had to offer.

I ordered 3 of the sandwiches or toast that they had to offer which was the Floss Toast Set, Kaya Toast Set, and the Peanut Thick Toast Set.

Kaya Toast Set Php145

Oh my this was one of the best they had to offer. It was really good and the kaya was just pure joy inside your mouth. It was delicious. It was worth the Php145 to be honest.

Thick Peanut Butter Toast Set Php155

If you are a peanut butter lover, this is the one for you. Its thick, creamy. and just peanut butter all over. It's like they lathered the bread with peanut butter then decided to do it again 4 more times.

Floss Kaya Set Php165

This one I didn't enjoy so much. It felt lacking for me and it was just blah. The floss was okay but it just didn't give me the overall impact I was hoping for.

Teh (Hot is Php80 and Cold is Php95)
I personally preferred the hot version of Teh over the cold one. It was soothing and rich and it just glides down the throat. It was very rich and I could definitely see myself drinking this again and again.

My family and I enjoyed Toast Box. I can definitely say that this could be a go to place for us if we just want to have some simple merienda with some cute ambiance surrounding us.

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Hi! Let's all try to add more positivity in this world and adhere to the saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, keep silent."

Showering you with unicorn poop so you'd always stay magical! Heart heart!