Friday, April 8, 2022

Review of WOW MOM PINAS in Moonwalk, Las Pinas

Have you ever had Mediterranean food? I can't say that it's a staple in the food that I eat so it was with delight that I was able to try this out when I discovered WOW MOM PINAS based in Moonwalk, Las Pinas.  

I super loved their samosa. I could have eaten the entire plate on my own but I had to share.  It was comfort food, something that you can eat and eat the whole afternoon while watching Kdrama or reading a good book. 

It's that kind of food. 

The other one that I wanted to have as a staple in our meal plans would be the mango kani rolls. It's healthy, it's delicious, and it has greens. Perfect in aiding us in our quest to eat healthily. 

They also had three kinds of pasta and as always, we had different favorites in the family. I personally liked the Charlie Chan pasta. In fact, I ate 3/4 of it. My brother preferred the pesto pasta that had spicy sardines on it because anything that comes with a zing is a plus in his book. M and Khali finished off the creamy spinach chicken pasta

The Falafel Sandwich was a first for me. It felt like eating an enlarged panini. It was definitely an experience because it was also very healthy. I think that was the one thing that I felt eating the food of WOW MOM PINAS

The Pita Bread, falafel, and hummus were also new discoveries for our family. Since we've never been exposed to Mediterranean food, this was definitely a first for us. To be honest, it wasn't bad at all. It was definitely surprising in the beginning but it was in a good way. I'd definitely want to explore more of this cuisine.

I would definitely recommend WOW MOM PINAS to anyone who wants something different for their lunch, dinner, or celebration. I think that it's important to discover new dishes and learn about the culture of other people through their food. 

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