Friday, May 1, 2020

April 2020 Spread

Last 3 months spread: January February March

April was probably the hardest month for me to do my daily journals. Since we did not go out at all the whole month, it was hard to write about things until I realized that I could write about other things.

I initially wanted to capture a moment each day but since the days kind of meshed together and there wasn't anything new happening, I decided to focus on feelings, learnings, and lessons.

So here are my favorite pages from my April Daily Journal.

Here's to hoping for better spreads in the month of May.


  1. I think we have to come up with new ways to be more productive and learn more stuff, do more cooking and see more movies or documentaries to get of our minds that we are stuck in a home it's difficult but we can do it

  2. Your spread looks really pretty and creative! I might try journalling sometime :)

  3. You have a talent for scrap booking. I guess your little boy finds it easy to pass good scrap booking projects. Yes, there are not plenty of things to talk about for April because of the crisis.

  4. This is very hard time for all of us but I really like the way you created your scrap book. You are creative person.

  5. I love your creativity. This is the kind of stuff my daughter loves to do.

  6. I haven't been journaling for years. My last journal was 2017. I need to keep up :)

  7. I love your journal planner so cute and very organize I'am still doing my journal at home even though it's quarantine but I'm still using it :)

  8. how cute! your journal looks so much FUN!

  9. Your journal looks so pretty, I like how you use creativity to decorate it as well, not just write.

  10. Wow, your journal is so creative and beautiful. My journal is just full of words. Nothing too creative.

  11. Such a creative journal design. Thanks for sharing!


Hi! Let's all try to add more positivity in this world and adhere to the saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, keep silent."

Showering you with unicorn poop so you'd always stay magical! Heart heart!