I have been crafting since 1995.
Whoa. I sound so ancient haha. However, it's true. I have been crafting for almost 30 years now and it's only been recent that I had the chance to join a crafting session.
You see, I've always crafted on my own. I thought that this was a solo kind of experience and the thought of crafting with others has never been something that I wanted to do until now.
This was my table before the start of the
Craft Therapy Session by
The Crafters Marketplace. She sent over a kit that contained the best goodies a crafter could ever want.
It was exciting to set up and know that there were other people also set up for craft time. It felt like I was part of a community where people understand why papers, stamps, and pens make me feel happy.
We had a Zoom session and everyone followed suit on what the main speaker was teaching us which was all about sustainable crafting and using what you have on hand.
Here's a sticker that I loved. We learned about creating wonderful backgrounds using just markers, brush, and water then I kind of went my merry way and ended up with this.
Here's my finished product.
I enjoyed this session and now, I look forward to more sessions like this. It was so much fun being with like-minded people.
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Hi! Let's all try to add more positivity in this world and adhere to the saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, keep silent."
Showering you with unicorn poop so you'd always stay magical! Heart heart!